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December DIY Gifting Made Easy!

December DIY Gifting Made Easy!

When this time of year comes around, the pressure of giving the perfect gift comes to mind. Every year, I try my best to plan the perfect gift to give each and every one on my list. This can get a little stressful and bring on a few sleepless nights, but seeing the smiling faces on the recipients makes it all worth the while! Here I have gathered up a few creative, and easy ways to gift Luca Love Bracelets to all of your loved ones this year! 

No matter the age, Luca Love bracelets make the perfect gift, that you can in turn feel genuinely good about gifting! But, how should you wrap them? What else can you give with them? How can the gift look fun? Lets get started!

Gift 1 Special Delivery

This packaging is perfect for children and animal lovers alike! 

All you need is:

I simply placed the bracelets in the boxes and tied the boxes onto the toy animals backs with the twine and voila! This gift option is complete! 

Gift 2 Candy Jar

Perfect for Teachers, best friends, or anyone who loves style and sweets! 

All you need:

For this cute and easy present; just pour your selected candy into the mason jar, slide the bracelets around the outside, and add some ribbon for garnishment. 

Gift 3 Welcome Home

This gift is perfect young adults, newlyweds, homeowners etc. 

All you have to do for this gift is wrap the bracelets around the top coaster, and to garnish, I placed the stack in cellophane and tied with curling ribbon. 

Gift 4 Personal Wrap

If you want to keep it simple but personalized, try your hand at decorating your own gift wrap! 

All you need:

Here I decorated the craft paper with polka dots using paint and added a strip of plaid scrap-booking paper for accent. I tied it all together with a twine bow and that's it! 

I hope these gifting ideas help boost your creativity, and get you inspired! Just remember it is always the thought that counts. Adding personal touches to your gifts makes them that much more special, and the bracelets inside are just as wonderful as all of the hard work and thoughtfulness you put into the packaging. For each bracelet was handmade by someone who is just as thankful for you purchasing it as your recipient will be to receive it. 

Enjoy this holiday season, give from the heart, and share the Luca Love

 Another glance at the featured bracelets:

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